I received this letter
in the mail and asked the writer if I could post her story on our blog to possibly
encourage someone facing an unplanned pregnancy.

I felt the need to write my story, perhaps to benefit
someone like me. I wanted to have my child
and was surprised and glad when I found out I was pregnant. My child’s father was not. I was young and
did not understand the precious gift that God had given us. Faith in God was not a part of life then; I
had heard of God as a child, but was not taught about Him, nor did I understand
that God is love.
My bad choices did not stop with the death of my unborn
child, but rather contributed to a chain reaction of sorrowful deeds, including
suicide attempts and the feeling that I was losing my mind. I cannot begin to
explain to you how this “choice” robbed me of peace and joy.
At first I thought of the abortion as just a procedure. I went into the clinic pregnant and came out
not-pregnant. I went to work the
following day as though nothing had happened to me. It was later when it hit me hard. Several years later, when I was happily pregnant,
I thought I was having a miscarriage and I was sure God was punishing me for
aborting my first child. That’s not how
God works (but I didn’t know that then).
I was blessed with a beautiful baby boy and four years later I was
blessed again with my second son.
When my second son was about a year old I had a break down. At one point, I walked the streets of a large
city for a day and a half, afraid to go home, for fear that my presence would
cause harm to my family if they looked at me.
I remember holding a piece of cardboard in front of my face as strangers
passed me by, I wanted to protect them from looking at me, because I believed that
my sins would transfer over to them and I didn’t want that to happen.
Over the years I have had feelings of confusion, fear and
guilt. I have been in and out of mental institutions
more than a dozen times in two different states. My point is this…abortion is not just a
choice…it is a child. If I could say
anything to someone considering abortion, it would be to please consider making
an adoption plan for your child. I have
a nephew that we all adore, my sister and her husband were not able to have
children of their own, and God gave them a precious child through adoption. My nephew’s biological parents bravely chose life
and placed their son into my sister’s arms.
What an unselfish act of love -- a true picture of God’s love and Jesus’
I have asked the Lord to forgive me for having that abortion
and I know there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, but if I could
change that day, THAT CHOICE, I would. I
would cherish my child and raise him myself or place him with a loving family
through adoption. I know that not every
pregnancy is planned or even wanted, but the child is a gift from God for someone. Abortion might seem like the answer to your
situation, but please think carefully before you do it. An abortion cannot be reversed. You must live the rest of your life with your
In closing remember God loves you and your unborn child and He
cares about your decision. God promises to
never leave you nor forsake you.
and place your faith and trust in the Lord today and ask for the courage to
choose life for your child.