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Monday, December 22, 2014

A Very Sweet Sixteen

In lieu of gifts for her Sweet Sixteenth Birthday, “Miss G” asked her family and friends to bring gifts for the young moms helped through Solutions.  This brief note was enclosed in the birthday invitations.

“Hello there! I hope you are able to join me for my birthday celebration. This year I would like to offer the opportunity to join me in helping a young mother in need. Over the past few years, I have been volunteering at Solutions Pregnancy & Health Center, a licensed medical facility that offers help, advice, and medical assistance for those facing an unplanned pregnancy. The Center offers free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling options, abortion recovery support, and support and referrals for adoption. They also offer maternity housing referrals and mentoring programs in a warm and caring environment. The Center provides essentials for those families who have chosen life for their babies. They are currently in need of diapers, wipes, baby clothing, and even food store gift cards. If you would like to donate any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated. My prayer is to give many other children birthdays this year and all the years to come, and every donation counts!
This cause is very important to me, as I was adopted from a teen mother who chose life. Thanks to her bravery and strength, I am blessed to have a 16th birthday this year! Please join me in celebrating the gift of life this year!”   Love, "G"

Monday, November 3, 2014

Seven Signs You are in an Unhealthy Relationship

Lorrie Erli, Executive Director
(Excerpt taken from Before You Decide published by Care Net)
  1. When there is a disagreement, you are always wrong and your partner is always right.
  2. You fear bring up a subject that is important to you because your partner might get really angry.
  3. Your partner uses alcohol or drugs a lot. After your partner has been drinking or using, he/she can’t remember what was said or done to you.
  4. Your partner tries to control your access to money, who you spend time with, where (or whether) you work, how you dress, or how you act.
  5. You feel bad about yourself because your partner calls you names, makes fun of you, or views you a stupid, ignorant, or incompetent.
  6. Your partner lies to you or cheats on you.
  7. Your partner promises to change but doesn't.
Often, people stay in unhealthy relationships because they think they really love the other person and hope things will get better.  Some relationships do change with a little work and counseling, but if your partner is unwilling to get outside help or wants you to keep the problems in your relationship a secret, that may be a sign that your partner doesn't really want to change.  Remember, someone who really loves you will treat you with respect, kindness, and patience.  A healthy partner will be honest with you and value your thoughts and feelings; and, of course, would never be violent or force sex on you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Pastor Ty Choate

One of the greatest stories of hope, love, and reconciliation is found in the Bible, and it is about a Prodigal Child. Prodigal means carelessly and foolishly spending money, time, etc. A Prodigal is someone who has wasted what was given to them. In this case, it was a son who wasted his wealth and broke his Father’s heart. Jesus told the following story:
 “There was once a man who had two sons. The younger said to his father, ‘Father, I want right now what’s coming to me.’ So the father divided the property between them. It wasn’t long before the younger son packed his bags and left for a distant country. There, undisciplined and dissipated, he wasted everything he had. After he had gone through all his money, there was a bad famine all through that country and he began to hurt. He signed on with a citizen there who assigned him to his fields to slop the pigs. He was so hungry he would have eaten the corncobs in the pig slop, but no one would give him any.
 “That brought him to his senses. He said, ‘All those farmhands working for my father sit down to three meals a day, and here I am starving to death. I’m going back to my father. I’ll say to him, Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son. Take me on as a hired hand.’ He got right up and went home to his Father.
“When he was still a long way off, his Father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’ But the Father wasn’t listening. He was calling to the servants, ‘Quick. Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him. Put the family ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then get a grain-fed heifer and roast it. We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time! My son is here—given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time.” (The Message)
There could have been a different ending to this story. The Father could have disowned him and had nothing to do with him. Unfortunately, that’s how people treat each other sometimes. Maybe you’ve been disowned, or maybe people have turned their backs on you. They just won’t forgive or have anything to do with you. If this describes your situation, I have some very good news for you.
The Father in this story represents God, your heavenly Father, who will never turn His back on you. In fact, He is just like the Father in the story. He watches for your return. He wants to embrace, forgive, and bring you back in to the family. If you are ready to return, click this link:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How much protection is enough protection?

Dr. Margaret Lambert-Woolley
With tears spilling down her cheeks, she asked me, “How could this happen? It was only once; I was careful; I’m not promiscuous!” 

I’m asked this question many, many times each week after explaining an abnormal Pap smear has been caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV),  or after diagnosing what someone thinks is a “yeast infection” as actually being genital herpes, or after diagnosing a sore throat as actually a chlamydia infection or an HPV condyloma, and the list goes on . . .

My answer is simple . . . there is no such thing as “safe” sex.  You can do everything “right” . . . you can choose your partner carefully, you can limit the number of partners you have, you can use condoms 100% of the time, and you can still acquire a sexually transmitted infection.  Oral sex is not a “safe” alternative either.  You can acquire the same infections in the mouth and throat that you can acquire in the genital area. (ACOG practice bulletin # 582, December 2013 ) 

The real question is, how much can condoms help in protecting against transmission of STD’s?  In The New England Journal of Medicine (2006; 354, 2645-2654), the authors state “the protection that condoms provide against a specific sexually transmitted disease cannot be precisely quantified.” They cite difficulties with condom studies across the board regarding poor study design.  In 2000, Congress ordered the Secretary of Health and Human Services to examine this issue in detail, wondering if the labeling on condoms should be changed.  In reviewing the scientific literature on condoms, once again, they were struck by inconsistencies. Working as best they could with the studies they had to work with/analyze, they clarified the issue by dividing STDs into three categories:

1)            Those transmitted by sexual secretions—in this group, condoms would contain the man’s secretions, and the evidence suggested good protection from HIV and gonorrhea in men, for example, assuming no leakage.

2)            Those diseases transmitted by ulcers, like genital herpes (which could also at times be transmitted in fluids)—in this group, if the condom covered the lesion, protection could be good.  However, if the lesion was tiny, unnoticeable, and without symptoms, AND was on a part of the skin NOT covered by the condom, well, then . . . exposure to the female is much more likely.  Also, when you consider that 1 in 5 sexually-active adults has been exposed to genital herpes and can be a carrier and infect a partner WITHOUT symptoms (Leone, P. et al  Sex Trans Dis 2004; 31 (5) 311-316) . . . even sex with a condom is not necessarily “safe.” 

3)            HPV—this gets its own category, as all that is required is skin-to-skin contact (no fluids), and this virus is often shed from skin that is not covered by a condom.  Again, considering that at some “snapshot” in time, 80% or more of sexually active people will have HPV, we can see why this virus is spread far and wide.

How much protection is enough protection?  While the authors of the above-cited NEJM article conclude, “Six years later we have strong evidence that condoms reduce the risk of transmission of HIV, gonorrhea and chlamydia, [as well as] HSV in both men and women,” and recent studies suggest a decrease in the risk of HPV infection also, the question remains, decrease by how much?  And in the end, how much risk is acceptable?  Hence, the CDC’s recommendation for the ABC’s:

A – Abstinence
B – Be faithful
C – Condoms

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dating Do's and Don'ts Part 2

Submitted by Eileen Den Bleyker

In the last post on dating do’s and don’ts, we explored the WHO, WHAT, and WHEN of successful dating. In this post, we’ll look at the WHERE and WHY of dating, helping singles to ask themselves questions that will lead to a successful long-term relationship!
    1.       WHERE.

In exploring what makes for a successful dating relationship, another question to ask yourself is, “Where am I going in life?” This question will help you to think through your hopes and dreams for the future, before you begin to date
For example, where do you see yourself ten years from now?  Do you see yourself with kids or without kids?  Is home ownership important to you?  What are your career aspirations?  Are there things you would like to do in the next few years (e.g., places you want to travel, goals you want to accomplish, etc.)?
Having an idea of where you would like to head in life will help you to identify if you have common direction with a potential partner. 

2.       Why

Ask yourself:  Why am i dating?
Know what is motivating you to want to date at this time.  Ask, why date now?
Are you interested in dating because you feel lonely, bored, restless, and / or need someone else to “complete you”?  If you answered yes to this question, proceed with caution. Other people were never intended to complete you or to resolve the experience of loneliness or boredom.  Setting out with these types of motivations sets your new relationship up for failure.

Asking yourself the Who, What, When, Where, and Why questions before you date will help you to practice your skill at inner reflection and thoughtfulness. Being able to reflect will help you to increase in wisdom and maturity—highly-valued qualities in a person ready to date! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Solutions Pregnancy & Health Center’s
Annual Walk for Life

Sunday, September 21, 2014
Check-In  Fifth Avenue Chapel, Belmar
Between 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Our Walk is Simple!

·         Collect no money (except pledges under $10.00).
·         Only a two mile walk on the lovely Belmar boardwalk – bring the whole family.
·         Come rain or shine!
·         Walk on your own if you can’t join in the fun on Walk Day.
·         Enjoy fellowship, family fun and refreshments all for a good cause.
·         Pledges totaling $200 earns a free T-shirt.

Our Walk is Easy!

·         We need you to register, which you can do on the Walker Registration page on our website,

·         Bring your completed pledge form the day of the walk or walk on your own and mail it to us. If you do not receive a Pledge form at your church or in the mail, download a copy above.

·         Ask EVERYONE you know to sponsor you.  You will be amazed how many friends and associates will say YES!

Friday, September 5, 2014


Submitted by Eileen Den Bleyker

Dating is the American social process of finding companionship with a person of the opposite sex, often with the hope of a more committed, long-term relationship.   Since the world is full of people of different sizes and shapes, likes and dislikes, and many varying background and personality combinations, selecting this companion occurs through the trial-and-error process of dating.   But before you begin to check someone out to see if a particular person is a good match for you, you’ll want to ask yourself some important questions. In this post, we’ll explore the WHO, WHAT, and WHEN of dating—come back next time to explore the WHY and WHERE of dating!

1.       WHO

Ask yourself:  WHO am I?   You must know yourself before you explore the personalities of others as you begin to date. For example, you must know the kinds of foods you like, and why, in order to accept or reject food choices made by a companion.  For example, do you eat only vegetarian food?  If so, you may not want to select a date whose idea of heaven is hunkering down on a juicy ribeye.  Or, if you delve deeper and discover that your vegetarian preferences go back to your childhood and your mother’s idea of diet, you may be willing to explore different experiences for your own palate.  The degree of importance that diet is to you will impact your dating choices, as well as the success of a dating experience.
So, your self-examination might include questions like, “What are my likes and dislikes? What are my values and morals? Do I have hobbies and interests that I hope to share with a future mate?”
Taking the time to know yourself is an important part of building a healthy relationship with another person. The better you know yourself, the more you can share with someone else.  You have an opportunity to amplify the joy you experience in life by sharing what you enjoy with others. 
Do you know yourself well enough to be able to identify what you would like to share with someone else?

2.       WHAT

Ask yourself: What do I want?  Know your hopes and expectations for a future mate before you begin to date. If you can identify your hopes and expectations up front, it allows you to share this explicitly with your potential mate at the start of a relationship. 
  • Is it important for you to spend time with your family and friends and to have your mate participate in that together time? 
  • Do you have spiritual beliefs/values/rituals/practices that you would like to share with a future mate? 
  • How do you manage your money?  Are you inclined to live it up today, save for tomorrow, or a combination of both? 
  • How much time do you want to spend together?  Are holidays and weekends important together times for you? 
  • Where does your work fall in your priorities? 
Knowing what you hope and expect will also allow you to more easily identify potential prospects who share your values and ideals. 

3.       WHEN:

Ask:  Is now the right time for me to be dating?  A few good questions to explore if now is the right time for you to begin dating might include:

1)      Did you recently end an important dating relationship?
(Is there a chance you could be “rebounding”?) 
2)      Do you still have feelings for your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend?
3)      Do you have any responsibilities that may present challenges to successful dating (e.g. extreme childcare, family, and/or work commitments)?
4)      Are you in a good place with your self-esteem/sense of individuality (are you comfortable doing things on your own, being by yourself, and / or do you have your own group of friends)?
5)      Have you had the opportunity to reflect on what did and did not work for you in prior dating experiences?

If you answered yes to the first three questions, proceed with caution about dating in the near future.  First, you may not be able to keep an open mind toward, or give a fair chance to, a new potential mate if you are still emotionally connected with your ex.  Be kind to yourself and others by waiting until you have resolved those feelings before dating again. It could be very confusing for you and the new potential mate if you haven’t worked through your feelings toward your ex.
Being single can seem less than ideal, but it has many benefits. Use your single this time wisely. Try to stay positive and learn about yourself and what you want and need from a future mate during times of singleness. Self-reflection will serve you well in the in-between dating times, and it will better prepare you to be able to identify a good match in the future.  (To be continued . . . .)