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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Voice for 11.6

     If I remain silent one more minute I may just implode.  My heart is heavy with grief for the incomparable way our society has approached two very different losses of life.   I would imagine you are familiar with the recent media reports concerning Cecil the lion who was killed during a large game hunting expedition and the undercover video taken at a Planned Parenthood (PPH) abortion clinic. The PPH video captured the pricing negotiation for body parts of aborted babies.

     In the story about the lion, reporters use his name, Cecil, and refer to him as, and I quote, “protected, gentle, famous, beloved, majestic, popular and father of 6 cubs,” (Fox News).  You see using the lion’s name helps the viewers connect with him and the unfortunate and illegal circumstances of his death.

     In the PPH undercover video, an aborted child is referred to as 11.6.  He is shown in a petri dish legally dismembered by the abortion procedure and totally unprotected.  He is called 11.6 because he was 11 weeks and 6 days old at the time of the abortion.  He will not be named and will never grow up to father children or be called beloved or gentle.  His body parts will however be sold for profit.  Where is the outcry? 

     The press did a wonderful job describing Cecil to the world; please allow me a minute to describe 11.6 to you. He is a little one that is sensitive to the touch, he squints, swallows, frowns, and puckers up his brow.  His young voice box is forming.  He can stretch out and even shows breathing -like movements.  His tiny baby teeth are forming in his gums.  His heart is almost completely formed and resembles a small version of a newborn baby’s heart.  He is about 2.5 inches in length and his main job is just to grow bigger and stronger until the day of his birth.

     Sure, we attempted to defund PPH, a slap on the wrist for the disrespect of life they have shown. Attempting to take away government funds caused a great outcry from those who say this is “another attack on women’s health.”  Let’s be realistic, the government is giving PPH a half billion dollars of tax payers money each year, money that is “not to fund abortion services.”  However, a half of billion dollars surely helps pay the bills and in turn frees up resources for advertising, social media campaigns or hiring personnel that actually results in increased abortion services.  For example when Solutions receives a grant for new computers, it allows us to channel a greater portion of our resources to services.  Don’t be fooled by the semantics.  Tax dollars may not be used to directly provide abortions, but the money is given to an abortion provider, and abortion and selling aborted baby body parts is their business.

     Where is our outcry for 11.6, dehumanized by a number instead of a name?  Where is the outcry to protect the unborn like we protect wildlife? Where is our respect for the dignity and sanctity of life?  This little one, created in God’s own image, was not only aborted but also dissected and his body parts sold for profit.  

     The heartfelt sentiment over Cecil led people to place stuffed animals at the shooter’s office, I am asking you to SHARE this article.  Thank you so much.

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